Matthew 19:26
With man this is impossible, but with God all things are possible.
Can We Do All things?
Maybe you’ve heard the Bible verse that we can do all things in Christ, Who is the One Who will strengthen us (Philippians 4:13), but does this mean all things in the sense of anything at all? I don’t believe it does because we know that God does nothing that is contrary to His will. I can do anything that is humanly possible, but that doesn’t mean it’s the right thing to do; so I must do what I can. But whatever I do, I must try to do that which is within the will of God. That is my motivation to do what I can, but nothing that I shouldn’t do. I can do what might seem humanly impossible, but is there really anything too hard for God (Genesis 18:14)?
Asking the Impossible
God loves to make Himself known as mighty and glorify His name. He may ask you do to something that seems impossible. I have a friend who was a former prisoner, and God seemed to be telling him that he needed to start a Bible study course that would be free to anyone who wanted one and that it should be sent to every prison in the state. When he was released from prison, he didn’t have a penny to his name, he didn’t have a job, and no one wanted to hire him. He didn’t even have a place to live. How would he ever start a state-wide Bible study course with no money and not even a vehicle? The first thing He did was pray to God about it. Amazingly, people started connecting with him and opened one door after another. After one short year, this man now has an eight-month Bible study course that goes into every prison in the state. It seemed that God was putting on his heart to do something that was utterly impossible. But as Jesus said, “All things are possible with God” (Luke 1:37).
If we obey God and are living within His will, we have the God of the universe, the Creator of the heavens and earth, on our side, Who can help us do what is not humanly possible (Jeremiah 32:17). With God, Abraham and Sarah had a child when it was humanly impossible (Hebrews 11:8-11). When all the other male babies where threatened with extinction due to Pharaoh’s edict to kill all male babies, Moses survived (Genesis 11:23). Gideon’s army beat the odds (Hebrews 11:32). The walls of Jericho fell (Joshua 6:20). The Red Sea parted and then drowned Pharaoh’s entire army (Exodus 14), and fire came down from heaven and consumed 50 evil men (2 Kings 1:10). If God ever asks you to do what seems humanly impossible, ask yourself two questions: Is it aligned with God’s will, and would it glorify Him? If so, He just might be asking you to do something that is humanly impossible so that He receives the glory.
A Closing Prayer
Great Creator God in heaven, You reign supreme over all creation. Nothing is too hard for You. I know that You can do all things through me, who can do nothing of myself (John 15:5). Show Yourself strong, and do it for Your glory; and that is why I worship You. In Jesus’ Mighty Name I pray.
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