What if you awoke with only the things you thanked God for?

What if you awoke with only the things you thanked God for?

Luke 17:17-18

“So Jesus answered and said, “Were there not ten cleansed? But where are the nine? Were there not any found who returned to give glory to God except this foreigner?”

What are you thankful for?

If you woke up someday and discovered that all you had left in the world were those things that you had previously thanked God for were gone, what would you have left? If you haven’t thanked God for a home, what if you lost it? If you failed to thank God for your job, your family, your freedom to worship and freedom of speech and all of a sudden they were all gone, how would you feel? Of course, you would be devastated. Imagine all that you have. Write out a list of things you have that God has graciously blessed you with, like a spouse, children, a home, a job, a car, the freedom to vote, worship, freedom of speech, or all the other things that we tend to take for granted. You’d have a pretty long list, right? Now you are armed with a lot of things that you can thank God for next time in prayer.

The Unthankful Lepers

When Jesus healed the ten lepers, only one of the ten came back and thanked Him for his healing. Where were the other nine lepers? Weren’t they grateful to have a new life? In Jesus’ day, a leper was an outcast.  He had to be separated from society, and he had to go around the city calling out “unclean, unclean” so that people would have warning that a leper was coming. They couldn’t get a job, they couldn’t be around their family, and they were considered the worst of all humanity. Now imagine that they were suddenly healed. They could now be restored to their family, wouldn’t have to beg for food anymore because they could now get a job, and could worship in the synagogue once more. Jesus healed all ten lepers, but only one of the ten came back to thank Him. How sad.

Wake up and be Thankful

I hope this has made you think about all the goodness of God and all that He has done for you and your family. Maybe it’s made you think about how you and I take things for granted. What if God took everything away that we had failed to give Him thanks for? Wouldn’t that make us a lot more grateful for all we have? The truth is, we could lose it all…no one is immune from having everything taken away by a natural disaster, a fire, or even a lawsuit. Ingratitude is one of the greatest sins of our society today. May it never be so with the Christian who has even their salvation to be thankful for by God’s grace, which came at Christ’s supreme cost.

A Closing Prayer

Righteous God, please forgive me where I have failed You so many times in being grateful for all You have given me. I am so sorry.  You have given me eternal salvation through Christ, a family, a home, a church where I can freely worship, a job, a car, and so much more, and I thank You, God, for all these many blessings. You are so good. I pray this in the blessed Redeemer’s name, Jesus Christ.


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